5 things to remember if you ever struggle to speak up in a meeting
5 things to remember if you ever struggle to speak up in a meeting…
You know that feeling when you’re in a meeting and you want to speak, but almost at the same time your self doubt kicks in and while you’re having a back and forth in your own head, someone else says exactly what you were going to say, everyone loves it, and you spend the rest of the day kicking yourself?
Sound familiar?
If so… give these a try…
1. Know that you’re not alone. So many people talk to me about this so chances are there’s someone else in your very meeting who’s thinking the same.
2. There are no spare people in the room. You haven’t been invited to make up the numbers or keep a seat warm. You’re there because you’re opinion is valid and needed. You have permission to speak just by being there.
3. Someone in that room needs to hear what you have to say. There’s no such thing as a wrong opinion, or stupid question. Your voice matters.
4. Focus on bravery rather than confidence. Your confidence will grow the more times you’re brave.
5. Act fast. As soon as you feel like speaking do it before you inner critic catches on to what you’re up to and talks you out of it.
Which is your favourite?