• Leading a business can often feel like a very lonely place, especially as you’ve so much to do, decisions to make, problems to solve, and a team to lead…the list is endless.

    • There may even be days when you find yourself feeling like you’re on a treadmill wondering whether you’re going about things in the right way, where your work life balance has disappeared to, or whether you’re good enough.

    • But it doesn’t have to be this way.

    • Having someone on your side to give you the coaching that you need really does catapult you to where you want to go.

    • Can you relate to this?

    • ✔️ Feeling stuck in the weeds. Your work / life balance is non existent and you can’t remember the last time you spent quality time with your partner, kids or doing something that you love.

    • ✔️ You feel like fire-fighting is your full time job, and even though you start your day or week with the best of intentions it soon gets hi-jacked.

    • ✔️ You want more headspace to think and work on your business and not in it.

    • ✔️ There are times when you feel lacking in confidence, like an imposter, and find yourself wondering whether you’re actually good enough, and if you’ve really got what it takes to lead at a higher level.

    • ✔️ You find yourself hiding and focusing on the small stuff rather than doing the things that will move the needle for you.

    • ✔️ You say Yes far too often because ‘it’s quicker if you do it yourself’ which leaves you feeling resentful and overwhelmed.

    • ✔️ You want to reach your real potential as a high performer, and grow and have the work life balance to match.

    • However, you are ambitious, have big goals, value your own development, embrace a challenge, and are not afraid to take action.

Barbara is an extremely engaging person and has the rare ability of being able to develop a keen understanding of an individual or situation accurately and efficiently.

Through her insight and her undoubted and very understated intellect, Barbara has been able to assist in helping support key members of my team, identifying where change is both wanted and required and being able to tailor a coaching programme for each person, designed to help them and the business achieve ongoing progress and improvement. 

Barbara is very engaging, extremely good fun and someone that others find it easy to relate to and engage with. Her various tools, including some expert advice on reading materials along with practical and everyday training aids and techniques are both inspiring and effective. Comfortable in communicating at any level, Barbara is a person I would strongly recommend if you or your business is in need of change, inspiration or wishes to challenge the status quo in order to keep moving forwards.”



What I offer is a healthy fusion of coaching, mentoring, consulting and development all rolled into one.

I’ve worked with hundreds of Leaders over the years, from Managing Directors, CEO’s, Directors and Senior Managers to help them see things from a different perspective, upgrade their thinking, habits, and elevate as a high performing leader in their company, to get the results that they really want and need.

As your Coach we’ll tackle your mindset, the way you’re working so you can leverage your time, and work together on any blocks that you may have that are holding you back, as well as look at how you’re leading your team to get the best out of yourself and others.

I’m also a master of showing you an easier and quicker way, resulting in quite a lot of A-Ha moments as you discover the answer is a lot simpler than you might have thought, having an impact not just on work, but on all areas of your life. In fact many of my clients have reported positive results not just for themselves, but in their relationship, the bottom line of their business and feeling so much calmer and more in control.

The ripple effect is very real.

“Barbara is incredibly down to Earth and easy to relate to, which makes for more than just a pleasant experience with her…Barbara is skilled in creating a space for development to evolve in a way that feels almost like osmosis, and I always come away from our discussions enlightened and energised to take the next step.

Whether you’re a senior leader, Managing Director or Business Owner you need Barbara on your team.” 


“I needed support as my company was expanding year on year and with strong business growth in each department, we had key people that required my managerial time. I particularly liked the way Barbara identified the areas where I needed to improve and reduce my unnecessary workload.

I was initially concerned as I felt these tasks were my responsibility, my ownership, but I needed to release them to allow time to create a team like no other. What I found was that I could concentrate on each department for the good of the company which drove confidence throughout the departments. The results were amazing as I have more confidence in myself talking to very experienced managers and understanding their needs from the business, and importantly my requirements for each department.

We are a company where all departments are now thinking and working actively together making key decisions at the right time. None of this would have been achievable without Barbara’s expertise, so I would wholly recommend Barbara – what are you waiting for?


LET me give you the details

There are 4 different coaching packages depending on your needs:

 – 6 month Coaching Package (12 sessions over 6 months including whatsapp / email support) This is for individuals who are ready to move away from feeling stuck in the weeds or imposter syndrome or fear of failure, and really elevate as the leader they are.

 – Ongoing Executive Coaching (12 months minimum commitment) 1 session per month up to 4 hours and whatsapp / phone support in between sessions when needed. This is for Managing Directors, CEO’s, Senior Execs or Business Owners who want continuous support on a longer term. 

 – The Leadership Team (1 session a month for your Leadership Team to support them with their development, either face to face / over zoom)

 – VIP Day – 7 hours (9.30 – 4.30pm). This is for you if you’d like a day to really focus on your strategy, or your development. It’s face to face, completely bespoke, (and we’ll also have a nice lunch!) We’ll also have an additional zoom call 2 weeks later for an hour for accountability and to check in. 

Before our first session you’ll receive a workbook to complete that will give me all the details of where you are right now, and where you want to be. This helps me to understand as much as possible about you so we can get off to a flying start. So many people also tell me that this workbook serves to provide them with so much value and clarity around where they are, and where they want to be.

Our first session is always a two hour accelerator session where we start to really understand what’s going on, what success looks like for you, and what’s stopping you from making the progress you need. We cover a lot of ground in this session.

You’ll also have access to me via whatsapp or e-mail if you’ve any questions or want to share anything with me.

So, what’s it really like?

In all honesty, it can range in emotions. Sometimes you might feel as though you’re having a chat with a friend over a coffee, and other times it could feel extremely challenging and uncomfortable as we break through old thinking, habits and patterns of behaviour.

That said, it’s my job to make sure you’re always getting what you need out of the session, so I’ll be listening intently to what you’re saying (and often what you don’t say too.) My zone of genius is asking you really powerful questions to really make you think, to challenge you and make you aware of the things that you might not have noticed, and to help you come up with the solutions that will really work for you. 

I’ll be challenging you to think deeper and differently, and providing you with a safe space to think, process and un-pick things without the pressure of being at work or having to know all the right answers.

As I’ve been doing this for many years I’ve got the ability to see the simple and obvious answers that you might have overlooked. In fact, so often my clients say ‘why didn’t I think of that?’ The best way that I can describe it is to imagine that your day is like you going through a maze. You know your way through, but you’re still often tackling things in the same way as you did before. I’ve got the luxury of standing on the bridge in the middle of the maze, so I can see things from a different perspective as I have a different vantage point.

One to one coaching is a great way for you to develop and grow without the pressure of feeling like you have to be right, have all the answers or be seen as the leader. You’re also able to work through things, be honest, and vulnerable and learn at a pace that’s right for you.

Many of my clients have said this process has been ‘life changing’ as it allows you to really focus on the things that actually matter, and to make the changes that will create the biggest impact…and so many of my clients go on to work with me for many years.


If you’re in the West Yorkshire area we can meet face to face at a mutually convenient location, if you’re further afield they’ll be held on zoom.

Yes, absolutely. In fact it’s a great thing to offer as a company benefit and I work with a lot of teams for this reason.

“Working with Barbara has enabled me to shape and implement a set of personal objectives that have materially improved my performance as a leader. Barbara has that natural ability to make you recognise your own potential and help to guide you towards it. Therefore, due to her help and advice I have grown more confident in my role being able to look at different approaches then focusing on taking action. Barbara has been instrumental in helping me to ‘hold a mirror’ to myself in order to see myself as others do. Barbara is enlightening, inspiring and reflective. I would definitely recommend Barbara’s coaching services.”


“I can’t tell you how many times this week I’ve told friends, colleagues, clients and people I’ve only just met that this wonderful woman has ‘saved my life’. By encouraging me to address personal issues and take action to unlock my true potential. So this week I’m a) grateful that I met Barbara Nixon b) have this wonderful woman in my corner and c) that I chose her to be my coach.”


“I was looking for a coach to help me with a specific issue and, after an initial cuppa and chat, I knew that Barbara was the person I needed to work with! She listened to me, understood me and reassured me which made me feel relaxed, comfortable and confident. She helped me work through the issue by helping me understand, rationalise and come up with my own solutions by helping me  to get to the core of the issue.At the same time it always felt Barbara was there with me, metaphorical arm around my shoulder, guiding and encouraging. She makes the complex feel uncomplicated and after every session I felt positive and inspired. Thank you Barbara! I look forward to working with you more as a trusted guide on my business journey.


“I have been working with Barbara for around 18 months and the support she has given me has been invaluable. When we first met I had some seriously ingrained habits that were affecting every part of my life. With Barbara’s help and guidance I have managed to turn it completely around. I’m like a different person. I feel more in control, have more confidence and more importantly I am much happier at work and home. Imposter syndrome has been defeated! I cannot recommend her coaching services highly enough.”


“The last 6+ months working with Barbara has been superb, what a journey! My experience with Barbara’s coaching sessions has been nothing short of transformative. Through her expertise, empathy, support and challenge, (there were some tough questions!) Barbara has helped me break through my mental barriers, rediscover my potential, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. I wholeheartedly recommend Barbara to anyone seeking to elevate their personal and professional lives. Trust me; you won’t regret it!”


“There is no replacement for someone who is truly skilled in their field of expertise. Barbara is able to offer truly insightful viewpoints without a diagram or bar chart in sight.
My journey with Barbara has allowed me to grow as a senior leader, grow as a person and enhance the value I bring to my organisation.
The value she has provided me is immeasurable. There’s not many people that impress us so much we leave a meeting and say “wow”! Barbara is one of those people.”


“We have worked with Barbara for a number of years and she has supported our journey of transformation and equipping our people with skills for the future. She is now seen as one of the team which allows her to integrate and get a better understanding of our business and colleagues to have honest and productive conversations, I admire that she is not afraid to challenge to improve our performance. Barbara has delivered many programmes for us, sometimes quick emerging challenges such as during covid to long term strategic programme developing our leaders for the future.”


“After working with Barbara over the past 6 months, I have more belief in my skills and attributes and now believe I can achieve what I have set out to do. I don’t let the opinion and shallow comments of others impact me – I actually stand taller! I’d describe the process as emotional. But in the right way. I went on such an unexpected journey that brought both tears and laughter. The honesty that I reflected on was unbelievable and that was through Barbara’s style of questioning. Barbara’s relaxed, informal and flexible. At times it felt like a conversation with a friend, but what came out of those conversations in terms of tangible results was amazing.”


Barbara has worked with the senior leadership team at the Bone Cancer Research Trust for the last 6 months. She has provided us with flexible and tailored coaching to meet our needs as a new leadership team working through a time of change. Her sessions, which have been both 1-2-1 and as a group, have been invaluable – we have become a more efficient and effective team as a result, with what will hopefully be a long-lasting impact.


I cannot recommend this fantastic lady enough. I’d lost sight of how to get where I wanted to go, and Barbara knew exactly how to hone in on what was needed. I now have a new way of looking at how I value my own time and different aspects of my business, meaning my way forward now makes perfect sense! I feel more empowered than ever to be able to achieve my goals. Thank you Barbara for your time, support and being so on the ball!!


“Barbara has been a great inspiration to me, providing practical and very valuable tools and skills to enable me to grow in my professional development. She has unlocked my confidence, and self belief, which has enabled me to achieve my true potential. I will be eternally grateful to her for believing in me and supporting me to reflect on my strengths. Thank you and look forward to seeing you in the future.”


“Barbara is an excellent coach – I have taken some great guidance and support from Barbara – she delivers her coaching in such an authentic way. I must also say her webinars and tool kits are modern and a great way of learning and putting one self first. Thanks for being great!


“Working with Barbara over six months has been life changing. She has introduced me to a new world of positive self talk which has helped me see life through a new pair of eyes. I felt like she got me from the very first meeting and understood my frame of reference. I now have tools to deal with the pressures of management but also every part of my life. Thanks for inspiring me!


“I worked with Barbara over a 6 month period when I felt my career was at a cross roads. I had come out of a HRD role that was supporting a business during a particularly challenging time of it’s evolution, complete with all the pressure that entails. I worked with Barbara to focus on my own self development, re-set my core values and to think really hard about the direction to take my career next. She was thought provoking, challenging (in a good way) and very easy to relate to. I would thoroughly recommend Barbara to anyone suffering from burnout or lacking confidence to realise their own potential. She is inspirational, a great coach and a genuinely nice person.”


“I worked with Barbara for over a year when she supported me during a particularly challenging period whilst I was in a business leadership role. She is fantastic to work with and offered great ideas and sound advice across a wide range of leadership topics that ultimately assisted me to drive the business in a positive direction. I highly recommend Barbara’s professional leadership coaching. Thank you for your fantastic support Barbara!


“I started one to one coaching with Barbara as I was at a careers crossroad. Big birthday looming and not sure where I wanted to be, what role I wanted and then how to get there. I met with Barbara and quite quickly she helped me identify what I wanted career wise. It had always been there but had just been lost in overthinking, doubting myself etc. Barbara has this amazing ability to just ask the right question at the right time, and doesn’t accept wishy washy answers. It really helped me think and I feel incredibly supported.

Having identified where I wanted to be it was then about how I got there. Again, huge support and those great questions. I am now in a new role and loving it, but also prepared for any of those nagging doubts, with a plan of how to tackle them should they appear.

Again, thanks to Barbara. I highly recommend Barbara as a coach. She is incredibly open and energetic, but there’s also no getting away from those questions I’d been avoiding. What was important for me was a challenge – but in a supportive way, and that is what I got.”



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