Want to know how to get off the hamster wheel?


Resist the thought that it has to be done

Go do something else

Take the day off

Do something that makes you happy

Learn something new

Get outside

De-clutter something

Hide your phone

Date your partner or your kids

Visit a friend

Go to a nice coffee shop and people watch

Drive down some country lanes with your favourite music on

Smile… or even better laugh

Watch an old black and white film

Take the dog for a walk in a different place

Remember what makes you… YOU!

And while you’re doing that… you’ll get clarity, lightbulb moments, inspiration, ideas… or just peace and happiness like you’ve had a good holiday.

Either way, it’ll be a day well spent.


Have a fab day



PS – Ready for the next step?

Join the 6 month coaching programme – ELEVATE

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