When you offer one to one support for a member of your senior team, it’s like putting their development on steriods!!

I’ve lost count of the number of Managing Directors / CEO’s that have told me how much a member of their senior team have changed.

Or how many Senior Leaders / Execs have been promoted as they had up-levelled so much.

The benefits really are huge!

1. Your team get support that’s totally bespoke for them. No cookie cutter approaches, just focusing on the things that matter to them.

2. We talk about things they might not feel comfortable discussing in a group…for example confidence and imposter syndrome. I hear all the time…”there’s only you that knows this”

3. They’re able to try things out knowing that they have some support behind the scenes.

4. They have someone to hold them accountable and call them out on any old thinking or ways of working.

5. I get to know what motivates them, and how to support them best and fast

6. I’m available between calls if they need additional help (or to celebrate success)

7. They acclimatise much easier and quicker to a new level of working as I show them how to side step self doubt or fear of failure, and really elevate as a leader

8. Because they grow…so does their team!

Want a more confident, elevated, high performing Senior Leadership team? Book a call here