"I know it sounds cliche, but Barbara has truly changed my life."

— Heather Patterson

I guess you could say I’ve always been interested in Personal Development. I remember finding my first two ‘self help’ books in the library when I was a teenager…Feel the Fear and do it Anyway by Susan Jeffers and One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson – and I’ve been hooked ever since.

In fact, I also remember chatting to my dad about leadership and the power of a great boss back when I was just 7. (You can read more about that here), so you could say this was always what I was supposed to end up doing – although at the time I really wanted to be a chat show host.

So, when the time came I chose to study Journalism (so I could follow in the footsteps of Michael Parkinson) and Psychology (because I loved people) at University, and only two short years later my life changed forever and I became a mum for the first time with my gorgeous daughter Hannah.

After graduating, I started looking for work. and it was then that the universe really nudged me in the right direction as I landed a role working for one of the biggest food retailers in the UK in the People Development Department, and little did I know at the time that I’d stumbled head first into my purpose.

In fact, I can remember the very first time I realised what that was, and trust me I know this is going to sound very weird but it’s true!

One to One Coaching


I was about 22 and I was delivering a section of the company induction to about 300 brand new managers. All of the new managers were in a big auditorium and I was waiting nervously at the side of the stage for my turn whilst the CEO was doing his thing.

I was half listening and half trying to remember what I was going to say when all of a sudden his words cut through my mental noise.

He said ‘you’re all Managers now…someone will have helped you to get to where you are today. Now it’s your turn to help other people. That’s your meal-ticket.’


His words hit me like a bolt of lightning, and just like that I knew what I was here to do!

To help other people grow and succeed…and I have to say I’ve been doing that every since!

So that first job led to 13 years working in the Head Offices of two of the largest food retailers in the UK as a People Development Manager.

I led large remote teams of training professionals, I designed hundreds of senior leadership development programmes, I was responsible for the Management Development for all of the Managers in the retail arm of the chain (about 3000 people) I managed large scale programmes, projects and 7 figure budgets and I worked for all areas of the business (Retail, Manufacturing, Logistics, Head Office)…all of which I loved giving me the broad commercial knowledge that helps me to help my clients today.

Then in 2010, during a huge economic downturn, I decided that this was the time to realise a personal ambition and start my own business.

I’d just gone back to work after having my youngest child (I was now married to Dave and had 3 children and a step son all of whom were under 13) and I realised that I wanted more from my life…Freedom!

I could count on one hand how many times I’d done the school run, and I wanted my life to change.

It was then that I decided to jump ship, and I can honestly say that I’ve never looked back and since then I’ve had the pleasure of working with hundreds of Senior Business Leaders across the UK, Europe and USA in companies in all sectors.

I’ve published a book, The Boss Hat (become the leader you were always meant to be) and host a podcast, Smash Your Own Ceiling.

I’ve also got a degree in Journalism and Psychology, I’m a Chartered Member of the CIPD, a 2 x qualified Personal Performance Coach, an NLP Practitioner and Time Line Therapist and have been featured in the BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour, BBC Radio Leeds, BBC Radio Sheffield, Addicted2Success, Tut.com and Thrive Global.

But what about outside of work?

I’m married to Dave and together we also run Pebble and Pine Coffee Roastery, we have 4 amazing kids and a very lively puppy. I’m a Personal Development book addict, a Netflix binger, a big tea drinker, a veg grower, and a lover of travel and being outside in general. I have my own radio show at Harrogate Hospital Radio, and I’ve also tried my hand at Stand Up Comedy and Improv.

You can follow me on Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook and you can get loads more on the Smash Your Own Own Ceiling Podcast and blog or if you’re ready, have a go at the Confident Leaders Scorecard, or check out the next steps of how I can support you further.