Are you ready to stop making things so hard?
This is the sentence that I said to a client the other day….
“Are you ready to stop making things so hard?”
I see this all the time, ways that we block our own success without even realising it.
- Leaving big projects to the last minute and then having to work late or all weekend.
- Going to meetings that we don’t really need to, just because we think we should be there
- Saying yes when we really want to say no (for the millionth time)
- Reacting rather than hitting the pause button and thinking about what we really want to say
- Believing our inner imposter, rather than trusting ourselves
- Getting involved with things that our team are doing when they’re more than capable to crack on
- Getting busy on the small stuff rather than moving the needle
- Staying quiet in that meeting, when you’ve got something to say.
This list could go on an on…and I’m sure you know exactly what your favourite flavour of ‘hard’ is for you.
So today, I’d love to invite you to see things differently.
What would happen if you chose another way?
What would happen if you chose easier?
And what would easier actually look like for you?
Feel free to hit reply and let me know if you’d like some extra accountability
Have a fab weekend
PS – I currently have only ONE space available for my 6 month 1-1 coaching programme – ELEVATE starting in May. This is for you if you’re a business leader and you’re ready to catapult your development.
I have ONE space available starting in June for my 12 month THINKING PARTNER programme. This is one to one exec coaching where we meet regularly every month to keep you on track so that you achieve your goals as a leader.
Get on the wait list for the next cohort of Smash Your Own Ceiling – a group programme where you’ll do just that. No more holding yourself back, imposter syndrome, getting in your own way…it’s time to own your space at the table!!
Or if you’d like me to run a workshop for your leadership team, I only do 2 of these every month and I’m now taking bookings for OCTOBER.
Click here to book a call for more info