5 leaders sat around the table having a meeting, with one female leader stood up talking



it's time to OWN YOUR SEAT AT THE TABLE AND elevate as the leader you are

You’re a success driven ambitious leader and you’ve worked hard to get where you are today…but…you also find yourself:

 – Stuck in the weeds of the day to day, which might result in working longer hours, taking up your weekends, or just not being able to switch off.

 – Being available for your team as they ask you questions, need you to solve problems, make decisions, or just confirm that they’ve done something right.

 – Having moments of self doubt, fear of failure or feeling like an imposter and wondering whether you have what it takes to succeed in your role.

 – Getting busy on the small stuff, rather than focusing on the things that will really move the needle.

  – Craving some much needed headspace.

If you can relate, you’re in the right place. This is a programme that’s totally focused on you!

I’ll show you how to remove any blocks that are getting in your way, own your seat at the table, lead yourself and your team differently to you start to see the results you really want, and feel like the leader you are.

This is leadership development at another level – welcome to ELEVATE! 


“The last 6+ months working with Barbara, has been superb. What a journey! My experience with Barbara’s coaching sessions have been nothing short of transformative.  Through her expertise, empathy, support and challenge (there were some tough questions) Barbara has helped me break through my mental barriers, rediscover my potential, and embark on a journey of self discovery and growth. I whole heartedly recommend Barbara to anyone seeking to elevate their personal and professional lives. Trust me, you won’t regret it. ” Tony Bullock, Chief Risk Officer. 

Hi there, i’m barbara nixon…

And in the nearly 3 decades of working in the people development and leadership space I’ve noticed a trend.

That management and leadership development programmes spend a lot of time focusing on leading others…but not nearly enough time on growing the actual leader (and believe me I’ve designed a fair number of these myself!)

As a result I’ve seen incredibly talented, success driven ambitious leaders having confidence blips, struggling with imposter syndrome, or having self doubt and second guessing themselves.

Adopting habits and behaviours that they’ve seen others do, but that don’t give them the right result, and getting swamped in the day to day, feeling like they’re spinning all the plates, juggling all the balls and not knowing what to do to get things back on track.

This can all result in everything feeling like really hard work…but it doesn’t have to be this way. 

By learning how to lead yourself, you start to lead your team and your day much more effectively…and it also feels so much better too.

This is how my 6 month one to one coaching programme was originally born.

And over the years I’ve seen Senior Leaders:

🔥 Go from being the ‘go to’ person at work, feeling like they can’t say no and that they have to support everyone,  which then spills into working really long hours so they can get everything done….to completely shifting their mindset, learning how to push back with confidence, delegate and create boundaries, which then resulted in getting promoted to being a Director (this has happened a lot more than once!!). 

🔥 Struggling with imposter syndrome, second guessing themselves, staying quiet in meetings and questioning their own decisions…. to really up-levelling,  ‘owning their seat at the table’,  knowing their value and growing their team which in turn led to them being a lot more respected in the company and getting a lot more opportunities than they ever had before.

🔥 Swamped in the day to day, ‘fighting fires’ and being available for their team at all hours – to learning how to lead and empower their team without being the ‘fix it’ person, which resulted in them being able to focus on the things that they really needed to without having to work longer hours to catch up – and re-claiming their evenings and weekends…hello more family time.

I have lots of stories like this…and the common denominator was that things changed when they really started to focus on themselves, up-grading their mindset and their habits, and learning the small shifts that really can make a HUGE difference. Success really does start with you. 

More time, more confidence, and a more empowered team….the ripple effect is real, because as you grow, everyone around you does too.


Welcome to The Elevated Leaders. A 6 week group coaching programme designed to help Senior Leaders remove the blocks that are getting in their way and GROW

elevated leader process (2)


You’ll be given a workbook of pre-work thinking to get you off to an amazing start. So many of my one to one clients love this part of the process as it helps you to prime your mindset before we get into the heart of the programme, and helps you to see everything from a different perspective.

 ✨Weekly group coaching calls
Each week for 6 weeks we’ll jump on a zoom call, where I’ll cover that weeks training, answer questions, and each person will have coaching. These sessions are POWERFUL, as not only are you learning from me, but you’ll also be learning from other people’s questions and situations. I’ve lost count of the times someone has said ‘OMG I needed to hear that too’ or ‘I didn’t even know that was my problem, but it is…I can completely relate’. And not only are you learning as you go, you’re also networking with your peers.

Private members vault and slack group

You’ll get access to a private members vault which will house all the call recordings, and the foundational modules and worksheets there for you to go through in your own time. As well as the vault you’ll have the optional extra of joining a private slack group so you can ask questions in between calls, celebrate wins and support the rest of your group.

Additional Training Resources

As we go along, other leadership topics will crop up in the calls (for example…how to have an effective meeting). When this happens I’ll create extra training for you and add it to the vault for you to refer back to later. These additional resources really do build up creating a library of trainings whenever you need them.

Bonus one to one call to embed learning

A couple of months after your ‘graduation’ you’ll have the opportunity to have a one to one coaching call to make sure you’re still on track and to embed your learning, so you get the support you need to succe


“I’ve been lucky enough to work with Barbara and she is one of the most incredible women I have had the privilege to know. Truly inspiring! She is a great motivator, shares pragmatic practical advice and is full of positivity and innovation” 

Francesca Aproskie, Business Owner


Hi, I’m Barbara, a Success and Leadership Coach and I help Business Leaders get past the blocks that are holding them back, elevate and get the results they really want at work (and home).

I’ve been in the Leadership and People Development space for all of my career (27 years and counting) and have had the absolute pleasure of working with hundreds of amazing people from Managing Directors and CEO’s of multiple 7 and 8 figure companies with huge teams to Business Owners, and Senior Leaders and C Suite Execs, helping them to unlock their potential, side step their blocks, elevate as a leader and feel like the leader they are…and I’d love to help you too.

The thing is…I know for a fact that if you’re reading this you’ve had enough of self doubt, imposter syndrome and fear of failure…and you’re ready to step up and get the results you know you’re more than capable of.

I’m also the author of The Boss Hat, the host of The Smash Your Own Ceiling podcast and I’ve been featured in Addicted2Success, Tut.com, Thrive Global, BBC Radio Leeds, BBC Radio Sheffield, and BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour.

Outside of work I’m married to Dave, we have 4 kids (although 3 are now in their 20’s) and a dog who loves the sound of her own voice, and I also host a radio show at Harrogate Hospital Radio every Friday.

There is no replacement for someone who is truly skilled in their field of expertise. Barbara is able to offer truly insightful viewpoints without a diagram or bar chart in sight

My journey with Barbara has allowed me to grow as a senior leader, grow as a person and enhance the value I bring to my organisation. The value she has provided me is immeasurable. There’s not many people that impress us so much we leave a meeting and say “wow!” Barbara is one of those people.” Matt Jenkins Managing Director


The programme lasts 6 weeks but all of your calls are recorded in the vault along with the foundational modules and the additional training sessions.

How does forever sound? Just to clarify life time access means as long as I decide to keep the programme going.

On zoom every Thursday at 7pm UK time from when the programme starts, for 6 weeks.

All the calls are recorded and you’ll have access to the slack group to ask any questions.

Yes you can have a full money back guarantee up to 7 days after purchasing, but as soon as the live calls start there’ll be no refunds.

This programme is best for you if you’re an Exec or Senior Leader

No problem, email info@barbaranixon.co.uk and either myself or one of the team will get back to you.