• When was the last time you helped your team surprise you?

    A couple of years ago our youngest did her Duke of Edinburgh award. The fact that she decided to do it totally blew me away. She’s brilliant and has loads of hobbies but she’s not out doorsy… hates camping… and carrying a rucksac for miles…. Errr forget it. But she heard about D of E […]

  • 7 signs that you’re ready for an up-level

    7 signs that you’re ready for an up-level (that you might have missed) 1. You feel stuck in the weeds of your business and keep getting dragged into the day to day 2. You find yourself *fixing things* for your team 3. Your work life balance is more work than life. 4. You find yourself […]

  • How to tell if you’re an introvert

    Believe it or not… I’m an introvert. Now, that doesn’t mean I’m shy or quiet (I’m not) And it doesn’t mean I don’t like going out (I do and will be the life and soul.) But… It does mean I need time after to regroup. Introverts spend their energy on others, so we need time […]

  • 7 signs that you’re stuck in the weeds

    Ever felt like you’re spinning all the plates and juggling all the balls? Here are 7 signs that you’re stuck in the weeds: 1. You’re the *go to* person fixing all the problems and making all the decisions 2. There is no *life* in your work / life balance 3. Even though you’re busy you […]

  • How to stop feeling stuck in the weeds

    Feeling stuck in the weeds is exhausting. You have no time to think, or hang out with your loved ones and can feel like you’re on a hamster wheel with no way out. If this is you try this… 1. Carve out time for yourself first. This is your thinking time and will give you […]