
  • Escaping the war in Ukraine to building a business and life in the UK with Yano Smaglo and Antonia Kinlan

    Imagine for a second waking up to war breaking out in your country, having to quickly pack a bag and escaping…well, this is exactly what happened to Yana Smaglo when the war broke out in Ukraine.

    Yana is a Ukrainian fashion designer of women’s clothing and lingerie and founder of NENYA distribution company, which she created after escaping the war with the main goal to help Ukrainian designers to sell in the UK market and to pay taxes to support both the UK and and Ukrainian economy.

    In this conversation we talk about her escape from Ukraine, and her journey to the UK and how she created her business and mission in the back drop of war.

    To follow Yana and her work with NENYA click here

  • How to boost your mood and raise your vibration

    My 15yo Rosie says this a lot…

    ‘It’s Vibey!’

    At first I thought it was something kids say these days and then the other day when she turned down a lift home (I was going that way) and it was all misty and rainy and she said…

    ‘Nah it’s ok Mum, It’s vibey out here’

    I decided to ask her about it.

    And what she said was GENIUS

    She said she loved to put herself in places that make her feel Vibey so that she felt like she could do anything!!

    OMG! Smart, right?!

    So, this week I want to challenge you to do one thing a day that makes you feel vibey…because how we feel matters!

    When we feel amazing, we do amazing things!

    We’re less likely to second guess and self doubt…we just do it!

    This is where magic happens.

    PLUS…when we’re in the right vibration we start to attract the things that we actually want, and acclimatise to what it feels like before we get it so we’re less likely to self sabotage.

    So many good reasons for being Vibey!

    Want some ideas on how to do this?

    These are the things that always work for me:

    1. Kitchen Dance Party…Always!! Put on your favourite tunes and have a right good old boogie…you’ll feel AMAZING!!
    2. Working in the nicest hotel in your area. Being in luxurious surroundings, drinking the world’s nicest tea / coffee never fails to make you feel like you belong there!!
    3. Get Moving…whether that’s your favourite Yoga class or a walk in nature, don’t put this off!!
    4. Wearing clothes that make you feel FANTASTIC!! Even if you’re working from home.

    Take your pick or let me know what works for you by replying in the comments.



  • How to use emotional intelligence to grow your confidence and relationships with Heidi Dawson

    Have you ever thought how much control you have on your relationships and confidence, just by being aware of your energy?

    If not, you need to listen to this fantastic conversation I had with Coach and Therapist Heidi Dawson.

    Heidi supports individuals and organisations on their learning and development journey through equine facilitated learning programmes, ably assisted by her wonderful team of 4 equine co-facilitators.

    You can find out more here

    We talk about:

    Tapping into our energy

    How to change the vibe of a situation by changing our energy

    How to use our energy to grow our own confidence


  • How to make space in a busy day

    Have you ever got to the end of your day and just felt like all you’ve done all day is keep plates spinning or that you can’t get off the hamster wheel?

    When things feel busy, it can be easy to feel as though we need more time, but in reality it’s actually space that we’re craving.

    Space to think, hit the re-set and re-charge button and to learn to check back in with ourselves.

    In this weeks podcast episode I share why it’s important to create space in a busy day, and how to do this, especially when you’re already busy.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts, let me know by leaving a comment and feel free to share if you know someone who would benefit.



  • Ask yourself this powerful question

    In this episode I riff about this powerful question. 
    In fact, have a go at pulling out your notebook and pen and see what comes up for you?
    I’d love to hear your thoughts. Feel free to direct message me on Instagram and don’t forget to share it if you know someone who would benefit.
    The doors of The Smash Your Own Ceiling Collective are open if you’re ready to join the family. This is a weekly call with me supporting you to stop holding yourself back, playing small and getting in your own way so you can achieve your goals with confidence. Here’s the link you need
  • What to do when you just can’t be bothered

    You know those days where you just can’t be bothered to get anything done?

    Where you know you’ve got things to do, but you’re feeling sluggish, and tired, and all you want to do is binge watch the entire box set of Greys Anatomy?

    This is the topic on the table this week because it’s OK to be all pumped up and motivated and ‘I’m on a mission’…but what about when you’re not?!

    What about when you just want to curl up in a ball and hibernate?

    Full transparency here…This is exactly how I felt yesterday, and so many people have been saying the same thing to me right now.

    Maybe it’s the time of year as the nights are longer, or maybe you’re feeling like that, because you just do.

    Whatever it is…here are some tips that really help.

    1. Ask yourself the power question – What do I need right now?

    This is always a great starting point as it gets us thinking about what’s important to you in that moment.

    Maybe it’s a walk and some fresh air.

    Maybe it’s a really nice cup of tea

    Or maybe it’s to call a friend and have a natter.

    Whatever’s right for you, start there.

    2. Give yourself permission to change the rules

    Sometimes rules just need to be tweaked for a while. For example – if you normally get up early to get some work done, but you’re feeling tired right now. Tweak it for a while.

    If your evening run isn’t working for you right now, switch it up.

    Your business, your life, your rules.

    How can you tweak your routine to make it more effective for where you’re at right now?

    3. Focus on the things that really need to be done or that will move the needle for you the most?

    Instead of trying to battle through your entire to do list, focus on the things that will make a difference, or that really need to be done, and everything else can wait for a while.

    You’ll also find that by doing this you’ll start to make faster progress as you’re not getting busy just being busy.

    4. Nurture yourself

    If you just need time to rest, do it. Have a bubble bath, watch a good movie and eat some amazing food. It’s ok to go slow sometimes.

    5. Change your state

    It can be tempting just to veg out on the sofa and wait for winter to pass, but instead you might find that giving yourself your own motivational push is what you need.

    So, put on some great clothes, get out of the house and go work in the amazing hotel lobby or cafe down the street.

    Just by changing your environment can have the best results.

    Give it a try and let me know what works best for you.



  • 046 – Growing your mindset to go from Corporate to Business Owner with Laura Valvasori

    Hey welcome to another episode of The Smash Your Own Ceiling Podcast.

    Today I’m really excited to share that the doors of The SYOC Collective are open!!!!

    This is my membership community where every week we jump on zoom to press the re-set button, work on our mindset and re-charge for the following week.

    It’s perfect for you if you’re a business owner or leader and know that you’re the one holding yourself back and getting in your own way…but that you have things that you want to achieve and know that success is ultimately an inside job.

    If you’re ready to up-level your thinking; up-grade your mindset; re-write some old habits, grow like never before and surround yourself with a community of people all on a similar path so you can achieve your goals this is the membership for you.

    For more information click here.

    Today I’m really pleased to share a fantastic conversation I had with the lovely Laura Valvasori

    Laura  is a Marketing Foundations Strategist & Mentor for Entrepreneurs and the Owner of Good to Grow Marketing. Through her experience of leaving her corporate job to pursue self-employment, Laura has learned that you need to change and grow as a person when shifting from employee to entrepreneur. Laura’s debut book Good to Grow empowers both new and seasoned entrepreneurs to cultivate the right mindset and habits to thrive and build a successful business, and life they love. Laura runs her business from her “she-shed” in Oakville, Ontario, where she lives with her husband and two teenagers.

    We talk about:

    – How to grow your confidence when you’re starting something new
    – How to raise your vibration so you feel great and then attract great things to you
    – How you think about things really matters and impacts your results

    And so much more…this podcast is jam packed with mindset tips whether you’re starting a business or not. There are so many takeaways!


    To learn more about Laura visit:

    To learn more about Good to Grow, click here 
    To download a free chapter, click here 
    Connect with Laura on her social platforms at:


  • 044 – How to change your mindset to grow a 6 figure business with Ashley Filmore

    Welcome to this weeks episode of The Smash Your Own Ceiling Podcast.
    Today I’m super excited to share that the podcast is nearly ONE! I have LOVED creating and sharing this space with you and we have so much planned for Season Two, but I’d love your help with a couple of things.
    * If you haven’t already please go and leave us a review on iTunes. This means the world to me as it means we can reach a lot more people, and each week I’ll be choosing a review to read on the show and sending you a gift to say thank you.
    * Share an episode with someone you know. I love it when people share podcasts or books with me as it’s such a gift that someone has thought of me when they’ve found something. So if you know someone who would benefit from being in the Smash Your Own Ceiling Community ping them your favourite episode.
    *BRAND NEW WORKSHOP – Come and join Enough With Playing Small LIVE. It’s two hours of pure GOLD and it’s happening on the 20th October 7pm (UK time please check your time zones). You can save your seat for just £47 and here’s the link you need.
    Today I’m really excited to share an amazing conversation with the fantastic Ashley Filmore.
    Ashley is  a leading expert in sustainable weight-loss who helps Women heal their metabolism, balance their hormones, and achieve body-composition changes that last a lifetime.
    She is the Founder and President of Metabolic Fix™, a premium online coaching company that has helped thousands of Women finally break free from chronic dieting for good and achieve long-term, sustainable results using the Metabolic Fix Method™.
    With a deep commitment to helping Women better their lives, I  strives to inspire others to embrace a life of health, happiness, and self-love they deserve.
    Ashley is a renowned keynote speaker, podcast host, frequents top-rated podcasts, has a BSc in Exercise and Nutrition, and is a certified PT Professional, Nutrition Coach, and Health Educator.
    There are so many takeaways to this conversation.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.You can find Ashley here:

    And the books that Ashley recommends are:
    Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo Here’s the link you need
    and The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks – Get your copy here
  • Betting on your passion and intuition with Noeli Serna

    Today I’m really excited to share a fantastic conversation I had with the lovely Noeli Serna.
    Noeli Serna is the Founding Attorney of Serna Legal Services, a corporate law firm that offers Illinois Latine-owned businesses and Latine entrepreneurs corporate legal services in English and Spanish. Noeli’s firm incorporates businesses; drafts, reviews and negotiates contracts; and advises clients on their business’s ongoing legal obligations as they scale and grow.
    Before starting her own law firm, Noeli worked as in-house Corporate Counsel at an international company where she counseled the business on a large variety of corporate matters such as commercial contracts and everyday legal questions. Prior to working as in-house counsel, Noeli also practiced transactional banking law in the Chicago offices of two international law firms. Noeli also worked in her family’s restaurant since the age of five, which contributed to her interest in business and appreciation for excellent customer service. Her formative years in the family business eventually led her to the practice of corporate law and have positioned her well to represent and advocate for Latine business owners.
    We had such a fantastic conversation covering topics that I know so many people struggle with.
    We talked about:
    ✔️ Shedding our corporate identity to show up and be visible as our unapologetic selves.
    ✔️How to niche down with confidence even if the people around us might be, well intentionally, telling us it’s not a good idea.
    ✔️And how to trust your intuition and gut when it comes to following your vision.
    I’d love to know what you get out to todays episode. Let me know on Instagram and you can follow Noeli on the following links:
    And you can get a copy of her “5 Areas of Risk for Your Business” Click here
    Finally, the book that Noeli recommends is a good one – We should all be millionaires by Race Rodgers. You can get your copy here.
  • My take on Fake It Til You Make It

    Welcome to another episode of The Smash Your own Ceiling Podcast, I’m so pleased that you’re here.
    Today I’m sharing my take on Fake It Til You Make It
    In it I talk about:
    – What I’ve used instead of Fake It Til You Make It since the start of my career.
    – How it changed my perspective and grew my confidence and helped me to become a manager
    – How this helped me to practice new behaviours
    – How it helped me to feel different
    – How I used this when I started my business
    – How I use it to create a training plan for myself
    And I give you a bit of homework if you choose to accept it ?
    Let me know what you think on Instagram and if you know of anyone who would benefit from this episode please feel free to share.