
  • The ONE mantra that never fails!

    Early on in my corporate career (about 20 years ago now) I learnt a mantra that has absolutely never ever failed to deliver.

    In fact, it delivers on so many levels.

    ➡️ It helps me to prioritise

    ➡️ To avoid overwhelm

    ➡️ To stop conflict

    ➡️ It stops me getting angry or upset

    ➡️ AND…it helps me to organise my thinking.

    Here it is…

    Choose Your Battles!!

    Simple but amazingly effective.

    This one mantra has got me out of so many sticky situations I can’t even begin to tell you, and it’s helping me out right now.

    As we’re in Lockdown (due to Corona virus if you’re reading this in the future!) so many of us are now not only working from home, but we might also be teaching our children at the same time. Remember the time when we just had to worry about our own to do list?!

    So, since then this mantra has been going round and round in my head…

    ✔️ It stops me from writing a crazy long to do list which would be unrealistic and just lead to overwhelm

    ✔️ It stops me from trying to do everything perfectly

    ✔️ It stops me from worrying if the house is messier than usual, or if the dishwasher hasn’t been put on yet

    ✔️ It stops me from getting annoyed with the situation we’re in, or what’s going on in the world.

    ✔️In fact, all it does is bring me calm.

    So, today I invite you to give this mantra a go, and see how it works for you.

    I’d love to hear your comments, and feel free to share this post if you think it would benefit others.


    PS – Download your FREE Workbook 7 ways you’re blocking your own success and what to do about it by clicking here

  • 5 tips to get you motivated when you just don’t feel like it

    You know that feeling where you’ve got tonnes of work to do, but you just can’t seem to mobilise yourself into action?

    Yep, I have totally been there too!!

    You might sit staring at your screen, or your to do list, but not getting anything worthwhile done, or your procrastination time might be going through the roof.

    If you can relate or you have been there, I’ve got 5 tips to help you get back into action mode.


    1. Take a minute

    Allow yourself to take a pause. Have a rest. Take a beat. Give yourself permission to feel how you feel. That’s perfectly allowed. You might want to reflect, tune in or just process things – even going through these motions without trying to force anything could be just what you need.

    2. Raise your frequency

    This is one of my all time favourite tips as it works wonders to raise your energy levels and get yourself feeling more up beat. So, do something that will raise your vibe. Maybe it’s putting on your favourite song; singing at the top of your lungs; Doing some exercise or reading a few pages of your book. Whatever it is for you, make time for it. It’ll do you the world of good.

    3. Re-group

    Have you ever noticed that when you have a really good declutter things just feel better and you get the headspace you need? So, use this time to have a bit of a clear out.  Clear out your office, your inbox, your desk, even your laptop if you want to, and you’ll also start to feel really productive too.

    4. Go for the low hanging fruit

    Now, I don’t say this very often, but now’s the time to dive into your quick and easy tasks (usually I encourage you to leave these until later) but by getting these crossed off your list you’ll start to feel like you’re making progress, and you’ll start to get into work mode again.

    5. Look for that next small step

    It’s easy to feel bogged down and overwhelmed when you’ve got loads to do and you can’t get started. It’s like when you’ve got to be up early and you can’t sleep no matter how hard you try. So, go easy on yourself, and just keep looking for that next small step rather than the amount you’ve got to do. Remember all the small steps really do add up and pretty soon you’ll have achieved loads.

    Ready for the next steps?

    Download your free workbook 7 ways you’re blocking your own success (and what to do about it) by clicking here.


  • Why Mindset Matters To Your Business

    It matters because it is money left on the table.

    All the tiny decisions you make each day matter because not all these add value to your business. Concentrating on the high ticket tasks that may take longer, or stretch you, or make you feel uncomfortable but add value to your business.

    Whether you choose option A (the high ticket task) or option B (the easy task) is why mindset is so important. If you are choosing option B, is it because you’re uncomfortable about option A? It might take more of your time. It might make you feel a bit more uncomfortable. It might be a stretch. You might be doubting yourself at that moment in time. How do we stay laser-focused in your business so that you’re not letting your mindset run the show?

    Tip #1 Divide your to-do list in two

    I’m a huge fan of a to-do list and that’s because they work. But, the problem that I’ve seen with to-do lists is that we can get into the trap of just writing everything down. If we’re not careful, we fall into the trap of just doing the quick things every single day. The easy things, the things that we can cross off. We leave the meatier tasks, the ones that we just talked about that do pack a big punch to another day. But that other day might never come. And then you might end up with the same goals year after year after year if you’re not careful.

    This is why dividing your to-do list comes into play. Have a to-do list with everything on it. Then create what I call a leap list, which is where you put your high ticket tasks. I’d recommend choosing one a day or a couple, two or three a week. Tasks that you’re going to focus on at that time. These are the tasks that will leap you forward, that will propel you forward. These are the ones that will get you in front of people, that will improve your visibility, which will get you the clients that you want. These are the ones that will actually get money in the bank.

    Tip #2 – Do your leap task first every single day

    Whatever it is that you’ve written down on your leap list, you do that first. Before you dive into social media, before you go onto your inbox, before you start messing about with your website. Before you start doing all the simple tasks on your to-do list, you work on your leap task first. This will ensure that it’s always getting the attention that it needs, and you’ll get it finished much faster.

    Tip #3 Challenge your own thinking

    Now, this is a biggie. When you are going through your day and you are deciding, what should I do next? What should I work on? When you feel yourself gravitating to that easy task, that quick task, that one that you can cross off quicker than the others.

    Challenge yourself and think is this going to get me closer to my goal faster than if I chose something off my leap list? I might not be able to cross it off by the end of the day. However, if I cross it off by the end of the week because I’ve been working on it consistently, it’s going to propel me forward.

    Those are my tips for you. This is why mindset matters. I’d love to hear your thoughts so do let me know in the comments. I’d love to know where it is that you are getting stuck or what it is that you’re fighting against in your mindset and why it’s keeping you stuck in the same place. Or the tips that you’ve got to propel yourself forward. So let me know in the comments.

    If you’d like to grab your FREE MASTERCLASS on how you’re blocking your own success click here.

  • 5 tips to get past your fear of visibility



    There are loads of positives around being more visible. It’s great for raising your profile and getting in front of more people; for sharing your message; for having more impact; for helping more people; and for growing your business. That said, it can feel scary and leave you running for the hills and wanting to hide behind the sofa.

    So if this is where you are, here are 5 tips to get you heading in the right direction:


    1 Get super clear on your message

    When you’re really clear on your mission, and your message and the benefit it will have for your audience, all of a sudden it no longer becomes about you – but what you want to share. This can really take the pressure off that search for perfection. You don’t have to worry about getting it right all the time, or delivering a polished performance as you’ll be more focused on making sure more people hear your message.

    2. Expect Fear

    I know this can feel like a weird tip as often fear is associated with danger. But fear just means you’re heading into new territory, that you’re growing, developing and doing something new. So, instead of seeing it as something that feels awful and that you need to run from, see it as a sign that you’re doing something new and heading in the right direction.

    3. Look out for ways that you’re self sabotaging

    You might have all the right intentions, have written amazing goals of what you want to achieve on your vision board, but steps are you actually taking to get you there?

    If you keep putting it off chances are you might very well be sabotaging your own success. So look out for times when you’re putting off being more visible in favour of doing other tasks, or if you’re making excuses for not doing it. If this is you, schedule some time and get the job done.

    4. Set yourself a challenge

    I’m a big fan of challenges so I love the saying ‘what gets measured gets done!’

    So decide how much you want to achieve this week or this month and go for it. Whether that’s so many Facebook Lives; so many pitches to podcasts or so many blog articles you want to submit to editors. Have a target in your head and aim for it.

    5. Focus on afterwards

    Yes you might feel nervous right now, but how amazing will you feel in the future when you’ve achieved your goal? It’s going to be amazing! Focus on the benefits you might experience and that feeling of accomplishment, as that’s where you’re heading.


    I’d love to hear your thoughts about being visible, and which tip speaks to you the most, and if you’d like to grab your FREE MASTERCLASS on how you’re blocking your own success click here.

  • Making Friends with Fear

    If you’ve ever not pushed yourself out of your comfort zone because of fear, check out this podcast.

    Here I chat to Chris Sutton on the podcast Mental Conversations, about my own experience with fear, and what I did in an attempt to make friends with it, so I could keep stretching myself.

    Android here…


    Click here for Apple

    I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please let me know in the comments.



  • How do I get some much needed headspace?

    This week I’m answering the question:

    How do I get some much needed headspace?”

    This is so common, especially when we get used to just spending our day in reactive mode – and when you’re in that mode it can feel tricky to know how to get out and get some headspace to process, reflect and plan.

    So, if this is you, here’s my top tip.


    Let me know in the comments what you do to get some much needed headspace, and for more tips and tricks to get more out of your day click here and join the FREE Boost your productivity mini programme.



  • 7 things you should NOT be doing if you want to get more out of your day

    One of the things that I get asked about all the time is:

    ‘Barbara, how do I get more done in the day’

    If this is you, and you’re working your socks off but still not getting the results (or the satisfaction) of getting what you need done, here are 7 things that you should stop doing…and watch your productivity soar.

    Checking your phone first thing in the morning

    Now, we’re all adults here so who am I to tell you not to use your phone in bed or as an alarm clock?!

    However, the time leaking comes in when your phone alarm goes off, you reach to turn it off and then WHAM before you realise it you’re laying in bed scrolling through e-mails, the news or social media while your eyes are still bleary from being asleep.

    ‘Don’t make your phone the first place you go to in the

    morning…The world can wait until you’ve got dressed!”


    What to do instead: If this is you, have a go at either getting yourself a traditional alarm clock or have your phone at the other end of the room so you can’t sit in bed scrolling. Use the start of the day to get in the right mindset for what you want to achieve, rather than losing time right off the bat.


    1. Setting yourself up to fail with a really long to do list

    Now, don’t get me wrong…I love a to do list. I’m a massive fan and can talk all day long about how awesome they are. IF they’re used properly that is.

    Here’s what I mean. You have your to do list with everything that you want to achieve during the day on it, and a great intention for getting it all done.

    Now, although there’s nothing wrong with that in theory, you’re not taking into account all the other things that happen during the day.

    All the interruptions that you’ll be getting, the meetings that you’ll be going to, the people stopping by your desk and so on…and all of these are eating into your day….so without even starting you’re on the back foot as there are only so many hours in a day.

    What to do instead: Be realistic with what you’re going to get done – and take into account all the other stuff that will be coming your way throughout the day. The fewer things on your list the better as you’re more likely to achieve them. Yes I know that this might feel hard and everything needs to get done, but let’s face it, a few of your tasks will end up rolling over to tomorrow’s list anyway, so why give yourself the stress to begin with.

    1. Multi-tasking

    I know, I know we’re supposed to feel proud that we can multi-task right?!

    But here’s the thing. Multi-tasking doesn’t actually work well at all. In my experience it only serves to make you think that you’re getting loads done, when in reality you’ve just got a trail of unfinished tasks behind you…and who needs that?

    What we want to do is cross things off that list once and for all, and we can’t do that if they’re not finished.

    What to do instead: Start something and then finish it, and then move on to the next thing. If something crops up that you really have to deal with…do that, and then go straight back to what you were working on. If something crops up that you don’t have to do then and there…make a note of it…and then go straight back to what you were working on – until it’s finished. Trust me, it’ll feel great when you’ve actually got it done.

    1. Getting your quick tasks done first

    This is yet another trap that I see people falling into all the time. Not focusing on the big stuff. Here’s what I mean.

    You have a list and on it are a few things that are quick and easy tasks…you know the thing…call Fred, E-mail Jean, send Janice a document and so on.

    All seemingly 2 minute jobs…so you set off doing these first in the hope that you can quickly cross them off your list.

    But, although on the face of it this seems harmless enough and there are some days that this works perfectly – there are a couple of problems that happen more often than not.

    1. There’s no such thing as a 2 minute job. Fred will keep you talking for 20 minutes, You’ll E-mail Jean and she’ll e-mail you straight back and you’ll have something else to do. You can’t find the document for Janice and so you spend ages looking (or end up doing it again…) before you know it your whole morning has gone up in smoke.
    2. While that’s happening there’s still a few big things on your list that really do need your attention and you’re using your little things (above) as a way of procrastinating.


    What to do instead: Follow the one big thing rule. Every morning pick one thing on your to do list, that if you got it done you’d be cartwheeling all around the car park. Yes you know the one I’m talking about. Always focus on that first, as that’s where the value is rather the little things that can be done when you’ve got a lull in your day and you need something easy to be doing.


    These are just some of my tips for boosting your productivity – I’ve got LOADS more…so if you’re ready to learn how to really boost your productivity join the 5 day mini programme.

    Click here for more information and to book your place


  • 5 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

    Let me tell you a story of something that happened to me a few years ago…So there I was, about to speak to a room full of people for about 2 hours when all of a sudden this ‘voice’ popped up in my head…I like to call it my inner Demon and it said:

    ‘This is the moment you’ll get found out.’

    ‘It’s all just luck that you got here’

    ‘You really have no clue what you’re doing.’

    Now, this wasn’t just your common stage fright where your heart beats a bit faster, and your palms get a bit sweaty…this was a feeling of being fraudulent, not good enough and that this was the moment that I was going to be ‘found out’ as being something I’m not.

    Can you relate?

    If so, you’re not alone. In fact, so many people struggle with this that there’s even a name for it… Imposter Syndrome.

    Common symptoms are:

    • Feeling like a fraud
    • That it’s an accident that you got to where you are today
    • That you’re going to be found out any second for not really knowing what you’re doing
    • That you’re an imposter
    • That everything that you’ve ever done was just luck
    • That you really don’t feel qualified to be doing what you’re doing

    Sound familiar?

    Kate winslet quote

    In fact the term Imposter Syndrome was first coined by Pauline Clance and Suzanne Imes in 1978 and back then it was thought that it mostly occurred in high achieving women. We now know that it also affects men, and it’s not just reserved for high achievers.

    The thing is that Imposter syndrome is really common, but even so it doesn’t feel great especially when you find yourself doubting your own ability, or when it’s hindering your progress and confidence.

    So, now that we know we’re not all complete imposters, let’s talk about what we can do about it…

    1. Write down your contributions and what makes you good at your job

    This might sound really self indulgent, but other than on your CV have you ever taken the time to write down what you’ve actually achieved and why you deserve to be where you are?

    I’m willing to guess not…but this exercise works a treat – and you don’t have to show anyone. So, why not blow your own trumpet for once?

    All you need to do is scribble down your  achievements. This might be your experience, your qualifications or what you bring to the party that no-one else does.

    By doing this, you’ll also have something that you can read back every time your imposter syndrome strikes and when you need that bit of a confidence boost.

    2. Keep a celebration journal.

    This is a super quick exercise, but adds value as you go along. All you need to do is spend 10 minutes at the end of each day bulleting what went well in the day and what you’ve achieved. Not only does it make you feel great, but it also trains your brain to look for the positives (and not just the negatives) as you go through your day.

    3. Focus on adding value.

    It’s easy when you’re feeling like an imposter, to focus on yourself and what you’re not doing, or can’t do – so instead, have a go at turning that on its head and focus on how you can add value – regardless of how you feel.

    By doing this you’ll start to switch your thinking to something more positive and pro-active and this will hopefully distract you and help change the way you feel.

    4. Accept that feeling like an imposter – doesn’t actually make you so.

    Just because you feel like an imposter, doesn’t mean you really are one.

    You’re where you are for a reason…and that’s because you earned it. So when you get your imposter feeling, simply observe it and accept that it’s just a feeling and that it doesn’t make it fact

    5. Talk about it.

    Be open and talk about it. You’ll be surprised how many people feel the same way and can relate to what you feel. Just like anything a problem shared really does help so be open about it.

    I’d love to hear your thoughts and tips about how you cope with imposter syndrome. Let me know by leaving a comment.