
  • 029 – Writing Your Book – With Kris Emery

    Have you ever wanted to write a book?


    Have you thought about writing a book to enhance your business?

    If so, you’re going to love this weeks podcast episode.

    This week I’m really excited to share my chat with the lovely Kris Emery.

    Kris is a non-fiction book editor (and she was actually my book editor a few years back) and brand new author of her very own book Destination Author, and in this conversation we talk all things book writing.

    We chat about how a book can really benefit your business

    The journey and pitfalls when you’re writing your book

    How to actually go about it

    And so much more.

    If you’ve ever thought about writing a book grab your headphones and have a listen. 


    PLUS we chat about Kris’s fantastic new book Destination Author – and you can get your copy here and get your free sample chapter here
    Kris Emery is a non-fiction book editor for writers, entrepreneurs and speakers who want to extend beyond their current business services and reach more people with their message by self-publishing.
    With over a decade of working with words for blue chip companies to bestsellers, Kris guides first-time authors to write a valuable book that they can feel excited to put out in the world.
    You can follow her on Instagram here

    I’d love to know your thoughts, let me know in the comments below.

  • 028 – How to have a difficult conversation with Nicole Posner

    Hey welcome to another episode of the Smash Your Own Ceiling Podcast.

    Today I’m super excited to share a chat with the lovely Nicole Posner all about Difficult Conversations.

    In this episode we dive deep and explore:

    What is a difficult conversation

    What makes them so difficult

    How to overcome the fear and resistance

    How to actually have a difficult conversation

    And why we should always bother.

    And we also discussed Nicole’s choice of book which is Daring Greatly by Brene Brown and Amy Cuddy’s Ted Talk.

    Nicole is a Communication and Conflict Expert, supporting and empowering  Leaders, Business Owners and high-performing teams to communicate more effectively and successfully navigate difficult conversations with confidence and ease.

    As an Executive Conflict Coach, Trainer and accredited Workplace Mediator, she has an interest in the psychology of conflict combined with extensive experience in communications following a background in PR.

    She is author of many published articles on communication and workplace conflict in the following publications: Thrive Global, SME Magazine, HR Magazine as well as being an Executive Contributor to BRAINZ Magazine.

    She was featured in COACH Magazine in 2020, has been quoted in Metro (online) several times amongst other work-life publications.  She’s a regular podcast guest and contributor to local radio shows discussing conflict and communication issues in the workplace.

    Last year she was included in the Brainz 500 Global list as one of 500 companies or influential leaders who are recognised for their entrepreneurial success, achievements and dedication to helping others. And in 2020 she was a shortlisted finalist in the UK National Mediation Awards.

    Links to social media and website:

    W: http://www.np-mediation.london

    Linkedin: http://linkedin.com/in/nicoleposnermediator

    Instagram: nicole_posner_london


    Click here to have a listen



    PS – To Download your Copy of the workbook 7 Ways You’re Blocking Your Own Success (and what to do about them) Click here



  • 027 – From Toxic Relationship to 3 x World Champion

    Hey, welcome to another episode of The Smash Your Own Ceiling Podcast and today I’m excited to share a fantastic conversation I had with the lovely Kate Strong.

    If you’ve never *met* Kate before she is a Leadership and Performance Coach who leads by example in attaining peak performance whether that’s climbing Mont Blanc, developing a globally-reaching sustainable business or founding a charity, Limitless Foundation. She is a widely sought after coach, enabling individuals and teams to redefine what’s possible and introduce flow into their daily way of being.

    Kate has lived and travelled all over the globe, earning a double Masters in Engineering while living in France & Italy, She’s set up micro businesses in indigenous communities in Guatemala, Cambodia and Vietnam as well as teaching diving in Spain & Mexico and founding a hospitality business in Australia. It was during her time in Australia that she discovered triathlon while recovering from a toxic relationship. Within 14 months of taking up the sport, she was crowned age-group World Champion and later went on the break 3 cycling world records.

    Yet, she has also faced her fair share of difficulties from being trapped in a toxic relationship to working herself out of a million-dollar debt left by her ex. These challenges don’t define her and she uses these darker days to fuel her to always be the best version of herself.

    In the coming years, Kate is cycling 3,000 miles around the coast of UK raising awareness around the importance to protect our global health and also planting 3,000 trees as she cycles!

    In this conversation we delve into Kate’s story in how she went from being in a toxic relationship, to becoming a 3x World Record Holder. It’s a conversation not to be missed and she shares the one question she asked herself every day to get her there.

    Kate’s book recommendation is: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand – Click here 

    and you can find more about Kate





    And her to support her challenge her click here for her Just Giving Page

    Click here to have a listen (or on your favourite podcasting app)

    Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what your biggest takeaway was, and share away if you know anyone who would benefit from this episode.


  • 023 – Productivity Part 2 – 7 ways to Boost Your Productivity

    Hey, welcome to the Productivity Part 2 Episode, where I share 7 ways to massively boost your productivity.

    These are 7 of my favourite productivity tips, to take you from feeling super busy and rushing around keeping all of those plates spinning – to being intentional and actually getting things done that will move the needle for you and get you closer to your goal much faster.

    Have a listen and let me know your favourite tip that you’re going to try and let me know in the comments how it works for you.

    AND if you’d like a copy of the workbook 7 ways you’re Blocking your own Success. Click here.

    If you enjoyed this episode please leave a review as it means the world to me and helps me to reach more people and feel free to share with someone who you think would benefit.

    Have a fab day


  • 021 – Are you Procrasta-Planning your goals?

    So today I’m asking you a question – Are you Procrasta-Planning your goals?
    Yep, I created the word but that’s totally a thing
    Have a listen here
    and let me know in the comments (and please feel free to share if you enjoy this episode)
  • 020 – What to do if you’re craving space

    Hey, welcome to another Daily Download.

    This month I finally switched up my working routine because late last year I realised that I needed more space.
    Not in the literal sense but decent amounts of time in my diary that weren’t rushed.

    Sure I had space between meetings etc, but I found they weren’t good enough chunks of time for me to really disengage from what I was doing and then lean into something else.

    I was craving something else completely…

    I know I’m not alone in this.

    I have chats about time (or lack of) on a daily basis… so have a listen and let me know what switches you need to make to give yourself some much needed space and what are the *reasons* you think you can’t have it?



  • 018 – From Corporate Career to Successful Coaching Business with Karen Kissane

    Today I have the absolute pleasure of sharing a chat I had with the lovely Life and Business Coach Karen Kissane.

    Karen is an award winning Life and Business Coach with a passion for helping smart people to take action towards building a business and life that excites them and supports the lifestyle they aspire to.

    She helps her clients with the strategy and confidence to pursue their big business goals and achieve remarkable success, whatever that looks like for them.

    A perfect blend of mindset, motivation, and practical tools –delivered in a well proven way – allows her to facilitate and accelerate significant progress amongst her clients’ businesses.

    With Karen’s coaching and mentoring, you will create the energy and certainty you need to accelerate your business and amplify your results.

    As well as being a performance coach for business and personal growth, Karen is an experienced mentor that business programmes and initiatives turn to for support. Through her work online, she has helped thousands of women develop the skills, technology, networks, and access to capital they need grow their businesses.

    Karen and her family moved from the United Kingdom to South West France in 2020, where she runs her successful coaching business, demonstrating that it really is possible to follow your dreams and create the life and business you aspire to!

    She has plans to run transformational business coaching retreats and events from her property, just as soon as the pandemic will allow! The world is craving human contact and in the context of coaching, this is where the real transformation happens.

    In this episode Karen shares all about her journey from corporate job, to sales trainer to running a successful coaching business, and so much more.

    And…the book that Karen recommends is…The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

    For more info about Karen go to https://www.karenkissanecoaching.com

  • 017 – A note on fear

    Hey, welcome to another Daily Download. Today is a super quick chat about fear and taking that next step. Have a listen and let me know your next step by tagging me on Instagram.

