Month: October 2021

  • 5 ways you’re leaving money on the table

    Let’s face it, running a business is all about getting clients and making money. Yes we want to make a positive difference and have an impact on the people around us and the world, but if you’re not making the money that you’d like it becomes less about the impact, and so much more about ‘where on Earth are my next clients coming from?!’

    However, one of the most common things that I see are business owners who are literally leaving money on the table – this is the low hanging fruit and so often it’s money that’s allowed to slip through the net.

    So, check out these 5 ‘holes’ and tick them off as you go

    Broken links on your website

    I remember vividly being in lockdown and needing some new ‘zoom’ clothes (you know tops!) and wanting to buy from independent businesses. So there I was credit card in hand and I found a top I loved. So much so, that I decided to buy one in all the colours. Feeling happy with myself I looked for the link to buy…could I find one?


    There wasn’t a link!

    AND when I finally found a link to buy it was broken and led me no-where. I was a ready made customer and I couldn’t buy.

    Action: Check all of your links on your site and make sure customers can buy, that it’s obvious how to buy and with as few clicks as possible.

    Not talking about your products on social media

    I get it…social media is social…but it’s also a fantastic place to market your products or services. It’s also full of potential customers ready to buy and or friends who would love to refer you. If you’re reading this thinking…I can’t mention my stuff as ‘what will other people think’ or ‘I don’t want to annoy people’ it’s time to look at it differently. This isn’t about selling all the time, but making people aware of what you do and how you can help. If you genuinely think your products / services can help others then it’s important to talk about it and weave it into your posts.

    Not sharing the next steps in your marketing

    Whether it’s on your social media profile or in your posts or blogs, if you’re not making it super clear how to take that next step and using a Call to Action then you’re missing a trick. Don’t assume that the reader knows what you do or what you offer or HOW to take that next step in working with you. Most of the time we don’t…we just like to be told.

    Not following up

    This is probably the BIGGEST mistake that I see, where you have a potential customer who is having a think and they don’t get a follow up. In fact, I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve followed up and it’s ended in a sale AND I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been ‘followed up with’ and I’ve ended up buying. In fact, most times I just needed a reminder because I’d got busy.

    Following up isn’t being pushy, or naggy, it’s just a friendly reminder, so if you don’t already do this regularly, add it into your process.

    Discounting prices at a moments notice

    Be honest, have you ever been in a sales conversation and they’re about to say yes when you find yourself saying:

    ‘And today it’s your lucky day…I’m doing a 50% discount day so you get xx for half price’

    If you’re cringing right now, trust me you’re not alone!

    But you don’t have to be discounting yourself left right and centre to get a sale.

    You’re price is your price so be confident with it.

    Filling these gaps in your sales process make a world of difference, but pricing is just one way that you could be blocking your own success. If you’re ready to take those next steps click here to download your workbook 7 ways you’re blocking your own success and what to do about it.


  • How to stop the mid-year goal panic

    So today I woke up and realised it was the middle of the year!

    Seriously…where did the first half of this year go?

    I don’t know about you but in my head it was Christmas like 5 minutes ago!

    Want to know how I realised it was nearly July?

    My social media feed was crammed full of ‘we’re half way through the year, have you completed your goals yet’ posts.

    Now, I know that these are all well meaning posts but sometimes when I see posts like that all it does it create a bit of a panic inside me that I’ve been wasting my time or that I’m no-where near where I want to be…even if I’ve had a great year so far.

    I know I’m not the only one.

    So if you’re reading this and thinking ‘OMG the year is half way gone and I’ve nothing to show for it so far,’ don’t worry. I’ve got you.

    1) Know that you can literally start again at any point

    You don’t have to wait until a Monday, the start of the month, your birthday, New Years or a New Moon to start afresh…any day works for that. So, if you’re not where you want to be right now just make a decision to get started from today…it all works.

    2) Simplify your goals

    A big part of my job is sitting down with amazing business owners who come to me with all of their goals that feel like a tangled ball of wool in their head. I then untangle the hypothetical knot, and lay down 3 strands in front of them and say ‘focus on that’ they breathe a huge sigh of relief and get started and amazing results follow.

    I know from years of experience that so often we make things a lot more complicated than we need to…and one of the ways we do this is through our goal planning. I know there’s loads you want to do…but for now, pick a max of 3 things. Just 3 things to focus on for the next 6 months. That’s it.

    You’ll feel much lighter, you’ll have more time AND you’ll get results faster.

    3) Focus on how you want to FEEL

    Want to know a secret?

    Every single time I have a meeting with a client they mention the F word….FEEL

    ‘I feel as though….’

    ‘I feel like…’

    It pops up every single time without fail.

    Yet, we don’t often give how we want to FEEL any focus when we’re looking at our business.

    We look at money and clients and so many other things…but feelings???


    But this is what enables you to show up motivated, and happy and energised….when you’re not feeling great you don’t.

    It’s that simple!

    So, how do you want to FEEL by the end of the year?

    AND…what tweaks can you make to feel like that?