Hey, welcome to another episode of The Smash Your Own Ceiling Podcast and today I’m excited to share a fantastic conversation I had with the lovely Kate Strong.

If you’ve never *met* Kate before she is a Leadership and Performance Coach who leads by example in attaining peak performance whether that’s climbing Mont Blanc, developing a globally-reaching sustainable business or founding a charity, Limitless Foundation. She is a widely sought after coach, enabling individuals and teams to redefine what’s possible and introduce flow into their daily way of being.

Kate has lived and travelled all over the globe, earning a double Masters in Engineering while living in France & Italy, She’s set up micro businesses in indigenous communities in Guatemala, Cambodia and Vietnam as well as teaching diving in Spain & Mexico and founding a hospitality business in Australia. It was during her time in Australia that she discovered triathlon while recovering from a toxic relationship. Within 14 months of taking up the sport, she was crowned age-group World Champion and later went on the break 3 cycling world records.

Yet, she has also faced her fair share of difficulties from being trapped in a toxic relationship to working herself out of a million-dollar debt left by her ex. These challenges don’t define her and she uses these darker days to fuel her to always be the best version of herself.

In the coming years, Kate is cycling 3,000 miles around the coast of UK raising awareness around the importance to protect our global health and also planting 3,000 trees as she cycles!

In this conversation we delve into Kate’s story in how she went from being in a toxic relationship, to becoming a 3x World Record Holder. It’s a conversation not to be missed and she shares the one question she asked herself every day to get her there.

Kate’s book recommendation is: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand – Click here 

and you can find more about Kate





And her to support her challenge her click here for her Just Giving Page

Click here to have a listen (or on your favourite podcasting app)

Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what your biggest takeaway was, and share away if you know anyone who would benefit from this episode.
