Month: March 2020

  • The ONE mantra that never fails!

    Early on in my corporate career (about 20 years ago now) I learnt a mantra that has absolutely never ever failed to deliver.

    In fact, it delivers on so many levels.

    ➡️ It helps me to prioritise

    ➡️ To avoid overwhelm

    ➡️ To stop conflict

    ➡️ It stops me getting angry or upset

    ➡️ AND…it helps me to organise my thinking.

    Here it is…

    Choose Your Battles!!

    Simple but amazingly effective.

    This one mantra has got me out of so many sticky situations I can’t even begin to tell you, and it’s helping me out right now.

    As we’re in Lockdown (due to Corona virus if you’re reading this in the future!) so many of us are now not only working from home, but we might also be teaching our children at the same time. Remember the time when we just had to worry about our own to do list?!

    So, since then this mantra has been going round and round in my head…

    ✔️ It stops me from writing a crazy long to do list which would be unrealistic and just lead to overwhelm

    ✔️ It stops me from trying to do everything perfectly

    ✔️ It stops me from worrying if the house is messier than usual, or if the dishwasher hasn’t been put on yet

    ✔️ It stops me from getting annoyed with the situation we’re in, or what’s going on in the world.

    ✔️In fact, all it does is bring me calm.

    So, today I invite you to give this mantra a go, and see how it works for you.

    I’d love to hear your comments, and feel free to share this post if you think it would benefit others.


    PS – Download your FREE Workbook 7 ways you’re blocking your own success and what to do about it by clicking here

  • 5 tips to get you motivated when you just don’t feel like it

    You know that feeling where you’ve got tonnes of work to do, but you just can’t seem to mobilise yourself into action?

    Yep, I have totally been there too!!

    You might sit staring at your screen, or your to do list, but not getting anything worthwhile done, or your procrastination time might be going through the roof.

    If you can relate or you have been there, I’ve got 5 tips to help you get back into action mode.


    1. Take a minute

    Allow yourself to take a pause. Have a rest. Take a beat. Give yourself permission to feel how you feel. That’s perfectly allowed. You might want to reflect, tune in or just process things – even going through these motions without trying to force anything could be just what you need.

    2. Raise your frequency

    This is one of my all time favourite tips as it works wonders to raise your energy levels and get yourself feeling more up beat. So, do something that will raise your vibe. Maybe it’s putting on your favourite song; singing at the top of your lungs; Doing some exercise or reading a few pages of your book. Whatever it is for you, make time for it. It’ll do you the world of good.

    3. Re-group

    Have you ever noticed that when you have a really good declutter things just feel better and you get the headspace you need? So, use this time to have a bit of a clear out.  Clear out your office, your inbox, your desk, even your laptop if you want to, and you’ll also start to feel really productive too.

    4. Go for the low hanging fruit

    Now, I don’t say this very often, but now’s the time to dive into your quick and easy tasks (usually I encourage you to leave these until later) but by getting these crossed off your list you’ll start to feel like you’re making progress, and you’ll start to get into work mode again.

    5. Look for that next small step

    It’s easy to feel bogged down and overwhelmed when you’ve got loads to do and you can’t get started. It’s like when you’ve got to be up early and you can’t sleep no matter how hard you try. So, go easy on yourself, and just keep looking for that next small step rather than the amount you’ve got to do. Remember all the small steps really do add up and pretty soon you’ll have achieved loads.

    Ready for the next steps?

    Download your free workbook 7 ways you’re blocking your own success (and what to do about it) by clicking here.


  • 3 tips to stop resisting, whatever it is you’re resisting?

    About three months ago I decided to put some structure into how I manage my working week. Now I’d always resisted this because I told myself that I don’t like structure that I like spontaneity. That I had to be available for my clients, that any kind of structure would dampen my creativity. So I resisted it for a long time until I decided I had to create a structure that was right for me.

    And you know what? It worked an absolute dream.

    Which leads me to ask the question to you – what are you resisting and why are you resisting it?

    Now, chances are that you can put your finger on it immediately because resistance feels a little bit uncomfortable.

    I’ve got a few tips for you because I have a theory that when we resist something, chances are it is going to benefit us.

    Tip #1- Ask yourself what is it that you’re resisting

    You are probably going to be able to put your finger on it. If not then write it down in a notebook and see what comes up for you.

    Tip #2 Ask yourself what’s your reason for resisting it?

    You might find some stories that you’ve been telling yourself popping up. See what excuses pop up. What messages you’re telling yourself and see what happens.

    Tip #3 – Create an experiment

    I’m not the type of person that will tell you to dive in to do something because if it works for me, it’ll work for everybody. But, I do encourage people to test and measure things for themselves. Create a little mini-experiment and see how it works. Tweak things, adapt things, move things around, make it work for you.

    Those are my three tips for stopping the resistance. I’d love to hear your comments. Let me know what you are resisting and if you’ve got any tips that you can share.


    If you’d like to grab your FREE WORKBOOK on 7 ways you’re blocking your own success and what to do about it click here 





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  • Stop with the excuses

    One thing that I see an awful lot of is when amazing people get fantastic opportunities that might be a little bit out of their comfort zone. Instead of putting their hands up and saying I would love to have a go at that, they find themselves coming up with an excuse why they can’t.

    Here are some tips for you if you find yourself in that position.

    Tip #1 – Listen out for the excuse

    Next time something comes up or next time you feel like doing something, and you find yourself coming up with an excuse or a reason, try and spot what that excuse is and write it down. Make a note of it because chances are it’s going to be coming up time and time again.


    Tip #2 – Ask yourself if it’s really true

    You’ve got to be really honest with yourself here. Ask yourself if it’s true, or is it just an excuse. You have to tune in and listen to yourself because you’ll secretly know. Now if it’s the truth, fair enough, you don’t have to do everything. You can just write it down and say I’m going to come back to it when the time is right. If you’re just lying to yourself then be honest and lean into that conversation with yourself.


    Tip #3 – Decide what the next small steps would be

    Now, if you’ve been hanging out with me for a while, you’ll know that I’m a massive believer in not disregarding the small steps. You don’t climb a mountain in one leap. It’s a series of small steps that gets you there.

    I would welcome your comments. So let me know what works for you, which are the tips you prefer. I’d love to know what tips you’ve got for getting you past excuses. And I’d also love to know what your favourite excuse is. Let me know in the comments and I will see you next week.


    If you’d like to grab your FREE MASTERCLASS on how you’re blocking your own success click here.