• How to stop zoning in on the negatives

    The other day I was reminded of something that happened about twelve years ago when my eldest daughter was about seven. Her class at school were raising money for charity and had decided to do a sponsored spell of a hundred words. No mean feat for a child of that age. The day came and […]

  • 5 ways to combat that feeling of self doubt

    Ever had that feeling of doubt that just pops into your mind when you need to think most clearly?

    Or that niggly voice that keeps whispering that you’re not good enough, or that you really don’t know what your doing?

    Ever felt that getting to where you are today was a total fluke and that you’re really not sure how it happened at all – even though you can talk through your entire journey?

  • 5 ways to help you really switch off

    This week I got asked this question: “Barbara, I lead a team of 12 people and my biggest problem is that I struggle to switch off. I regularly check my emails at home, and take calls at the weekend, and my phone is never really far from reach.  Any tips?” This is such a great question […]

  • 6 reasons why you keep failing at your goals

    I am very goal orientated, and I get a real kick out of deciding upon what I want to achieve in the New Year. I then absolutely love crossing things off when I have completed them. This list is created around the end of the year, and I refer back to it at regular intervals so that I can use it as a measuring stick for my progress.

  • Tips for my 18 year old self

    After seeing the fantastic linkedin influencers theme ‘If I were 22’ I was reminded of my eldest daughter turning 18. Rather than buying her an extravagant gift I wanted to give her something from the heart. So I created a scrap book of her life with letters from all the members of the family. Everyone […]