Smash Your Own Ceiling

the time has come to stop holding yourself back, get out of your own way and take action with confidence, so you can get the results that you can't stop thinking about

Let me ask you a question…Have you had enough of:

✔️Having big goals and ambitions and knowing you’re more than capable but you’re holding yourself back and you secretly know it.

  • ✔️Not speaking up in meetings when you have something to say
  • ✔️Not showing up and being visible or putting yourself ‘out there’.
  • ✔️Saying yes, when you want to say no and brushing your own boundaries to the side.
  • ✔️ Worrying about what other people will think.
  • ✔️Believing your own excuses about why you’re not doing something (eg you’ve not got time, or you should wait until the kids are older) even though it’s something you really want to do.
  • ✔️Struggling with self doubt and imposter syndrome even though you’ve achieved so much and you have lots of experience
  • ✔️Or listening far too closely to your inner critic.


If so, you’re in the right place, and the time has come for you to take your foot off the brake pedal and show the world exactly what you’re made of…because you and I both know that the fact that you feel like you’re holding yourself back…means that you’re definitely here for more.


I know it sounds a cliche, but it has truly changed my life. Your mindset exercises and calls have helped me so much in my private and business life giving me focus and control in both. Your questions are just so clever and ‘hit the spot’. 

On the face seem so simple but are really soul searching. I am relieved to address old baggage and let it go to move forward. I have learnt so many life tools and I have found confidence, self appreciation and the right to have my opinion valued and heard. 

All this AND on the group Facebook introduced to a bunch of like minded, kind, helpful and inspirational people that I would consider friends. Definitely the Smash Your Own Ceiling is the best thing I’ve been part of.

Fantastic value for money and last but not least it’s been fun. I really appreciate your time all through the course and your weekly hour with us. You are so talented working with people and their mindsets and generous with your time. I just want to thank you with all my heart so much




I remember sitting at my desk, thinking about my life and where I really wanted to be and what I wanted to achieve and to be honest, I felt fed up.

Even though I had more than enough experience and qualifications and I knew I was more than capable I was still really good at holding myself back…and the worst thing was that I knew it!!

The really frustrating thing was, that I was driven. I had things I wanted to bring to the world, and I really wanted to make an impact, and I was taking action…but it wasn’t gathering momentum because  out of date thinking and habits were getting in the way…and it wasn’t until I faced up this, and knew that I had to do something about it.

Since then I’ve grown two businesses, published a book (and another on the way) enabled my husband Dave to leave his full time corporate role and grow our second business, and I’ve worked all over the world. I’ve also helped thousands of people unlock their potential and take their foot off their own brake pedal to take action with confidence.

The thing is that your mindset is the foundation to EVERYTHING and when you learn how to shift the blocks that are currently holding you back and create new habits that will move you forward it helps is ALL areas of your life…which is when things start getting really good!

Sure we cover things like communication, and leading others and the business…but the main focus is on the leaders themselves.


Smash Your Own Ceiling is an 8 week group coaching programme designed to help you stop holding yourself back, so you can take action to create the success you can’t stop thinking about.

WHAT YOU’ll learn

7 Days of pre-work to get you off to an amazing start

Week 1 – Leaning into your vision

Week one is all about getting up close and personal with what you want (even if you haven’t admitted it to yourself yet)

Week 2 – The New You

Week one is where you start to step into the ‘new you’. We take a close look at what you say to yourself, your daily habits and the small steps that all add up to getting you to where you want to be.

Week 3 – What’s holding you back

Now that you’ve stepped into ‘the new you’ it’s time to look at what’s going on behind the scenes, and to identify the limiting beliefs and habits that have been holding you back. This is where we learn to turn the volume right down on your inner critic.

Week 4 – Your Future Self

Week four is all about getting up close and personal with your future self. You get to know your values, and how they can really help you achieve your success and grow your abundance, and you learn to tap into your own personal super power.

Week 5 – Implementation and Coaching Week

Implementation week gives you a chance to reflect, go a bit slower and practice everything that we’ve covered so far, or take some action. I’ll also be supporting you on this week’s live call.

Week 6 – Stepping Past Fear

Week six is all about stepping past fear and stretching your comfort zone so you really start to grow your self belief and confidence. Get ready for some shifts to take place, to take some amazing action.

Week 7 – Upgrading Your Thinking

You’ve met your inner critic, but have you met your inner coach? Week 7 is all about understanding how to dial up your own internal coach and how to say YES to the things that you might have previously resisted or avoided. Playing BIG and Shining Your Light is the theme for this week.

Week 8 – Future Proof

Week twelve is all about future proofing everything that we’ve achieved, so you can go and share your magically confidently with the world.

✨BONUS (ONE MONTH LATER) Post Work – Making it Happen

You’ve heard of pre-work, but have you heard of Post-work? A live call one month later to make sure everything’s going great, celebrate wins and give you A’s to any of your Q’s.

Throughout it all you’ll be taking action in your business or career so you start to see the momentum you’ve been looking for and the results you really want.

All happening alongside 8 weeks of group coaching on live zoom calls to help you to take action, embed your learning and get the results you really want.


✔️Life-time access to a members area with 36 lessons, which includes worksheets and videos PLUS the powerful pre and post work programme.

✔️ Group calls every week via zoom for 8 weeks, and a BONUS CALL one month after the programme ends.

✔️ Access to a private group to ask questions, share wins, and get any accountability.

✔️ BONUSES – 7 Powerful Visualisations to rocket fuel your mindset; 50 Journaling prompts for success; Post work to embed everything you’ve done; Access to the Powerhouse Productivity Programme (worth £444, you’ll get this at the end of your programme); The 5 Power Keys of Mindset (worth £111 – immediate access); Access to the Abundance Attractor (worth £222, you’ll get this on week 6); PAY IN FULL BONUS of one coaching session with me for after the programme has ended. Pow

I’ve been lucky enough to work with Barbara and she is one of the most incredible women I have had the privilege to know. Truly inspiring. She is a great motivator, shares pragmatic, practical advice and is full of positivity and innovation. 

This programme really is life changing and encourages you to dig deep, reflect, re-focus and reframe your mindset / outlook. I wouldn’t have got to where I am without her and am forever grateful. Long may our working relationship continue”





Hi, I’m Barbara, a Success Coach who helps Business Owners and Leaders to Smash their Own Ceiling™ and grow themselves so they can grow their business or career.

I’ve been in the Personal Development space for all of my career (26 years and counting) and have had the absolute pleasure of working with thousands of amazing people from Managing Directors and CEO’s or 7, and 8 figure business with huge teams to Solopreneurs and Managers and Senior Managers, helping them to unlock their potential, side step their blocks and grow…and I’d love to help you too.

The thing is…I know for a fact that when you rise everything around you does too. Your business, your clients, and your teams. The ripple effect is real!

Plus it feels so much easier than spinning your wheels and getting in your own way.

I’m also a speaker, the author of The Boss Hat (a self help guide for new managers), The Smash Your Own Ceiling planner and Business Workbook, the host of The Smash Your Own Ceiling podcast and I’ve been featured in Addicted2Success,, Thrive Global and The BBC.

I’m not exaggerating when I say that working with Barbara is one of the best things that I has ever happened to me. I love that Barbara’s approach is simultaneously gentle and challenging.

I’ve learnt to call out my excuses for what they are too! Barbara has taught me how to make my brain work for me. Not only did she help me discover limiting beliefs, but to create practical, simple strategies to level up my life.

The changes have stuck!

I love the exercises we do in the weekly call to teach and encourage me to dream big. I’m so excited about my future!

I love the group of amazing people I get to grow alongside with. It’s so empowering to be able to belong to a group like this.

I’m forever thankful to Barbara!




How does it work?

As soon as you enrol you'll receive your login details to the members area, where the full programme lives, and the you'll find the link to join the private Facebook group where you can jump in and introduce yourself.

In the members area, you'll have immediate access to the pre-work, and then week one will drop into your inbox 7 days after that. The rest of the content will be drip-fed to you every week.

Don't worry though, you can totally work at your own pace as you'll have life-time access so there's no rush.

The first live call will happen on Wednesday 25th October at 7pm (UK time) via zoom, and this is where you'll receive live coaching, Q&A, accountability and more in-depth training on that weeks topic.

Please note: If you can't make the live calls they'll be recorded and will live in the members area for 10 weeks after the programme is over.

“This programme has helped me in more ways than I can ever explain. This programme and Barbara have completely changed my perspective. It’s impacted on my work, my home, my family and my health and all for the better. You get so much support. Barbara is always on hand and cheering me on from the side-lines. I understand me a lot better and I’ve found my confidence again.  

Give it a try…trust in Barbara and the programme and this will change your life!”




The programme takes 8 weeks but you can go through the training as many times as you like with life time access.

The next live round starts on the 25th October 2023 at 7pm UK time.

How does forever sound? Just to clarify life time access means as long as I decide to keep the programme going, but I don’t plan to stop it any time soon.

On zoom every Thursday at 7pm UK time from when the programme starts, for 8 weeks.

Yes you can, although you’ll get the most out of it if you join for a live round.

All the calls are recorded and you’ll have access to the private members facebook group to ask any questions.

Yes you can have a full money back guarantee up to 7 days after purchasing. After that as the members area is virtual there’ll be no refunds.

“Barbara is so supportive, challenges me in the right way, helps me smash out of my comfort zone, get amazing clarity and guides me with actions that take me forward. She shares her own experiences and incredible knowledge in such a fun and friendly way that I know I am in good hands”


— hazel ponsford, trusted va 

USUAL PRICE - Lifetime Access for £1997

(Pay in full Bonus - 1 x one to one coaching session - worth £500)

(Or see below if you'd like a payment plan)

“I am so grateful of Smash Your Own Ceiling. I have learned so much about levelling up my mindset and creating new habits. But even more than that, I have been encouraged and inspired by the other members of the group (and our dynamic as a whole) as we all press forward toward achieving our big dreams. Barbara is an incredible coach, balancing just the right amount of solid support with gentle challenges to take us even deeper into our journeys for our most fulfilled lives. I whole-heartedly recommend this programme to anyone seeking renewed focus and a desire to shoot for their limitless self.”

— jess costaldi, business owner

“I love every second of the Smash Your Own Ceiling journey. My biggest win is realising my biggest block / limiting belief, shutting up my inner critic and going for my goal. Not just going for my goal but achieving it too. The weekly calls are amazing, helping me to think about aspects I wouldn’t have otherwise. I re-use the questions from the session in my journal too. 

If you can’t decide whether to join or not, do…I got so much out of it. My business grew and so did my confidence. I have a plan and I’m getting there.

I couldn’t be without the ‘little Barbara’ on my shoulder.

Thank you so much. 

— neti stefanik – business owner